Folder의 파일 리스트 가져오기Folder의 파일 리스트 가져오기
Posted at 2013. 9. 4. 08:37 | Posted in PowerBuilder/* integer gf_GetFileList( string as_path, listbox alb_box, ref string as_Files[])
지정된 경로에서 하위 폴더를 포함한 파일의 리스트를 가져온다.
int i, j, k, i_cnt
String ls_file , ls_Files[], ls_Sub, ls_SubFiles[], ls_tmp[]
as_Files = ls_tmp
If Right(as_path,1) <> '\' Then as_path += '\'
alb_box.DirList(as_path+"*.*", 16)
For i = 1 To alb_box.Totalitems( )
ls_Files[UpperBound(ls_Files) + 1] = alb_box.text(i)
For i = 1 To UpperBound(ls_Files)
ls_file = ls_Files[i]
If ls_file = '[..]' Then Continue
If Left(ls_file,1) = '[' and right(ls_file,1) = ']' Then
ls_file = Left(ls_file, Len(ls_file) - 1)
ls_file = Mid(ls_file, 2) + '\'
ls_Sub = as_path + ls_file
i_cnt = gf_GetFileList( ls_Sub, alb_box, ls_SubFiles )
For j = 1 To i_cnt
as_Files[UpperBound(as_Files) + 1] = ls_file + ls_SubFiles[j]
as_Files[UpperBound(as_Files) + 1] = ls_file
End If
i_cnt = UpperBound(as_Files)
Return i_cnt
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